There are only so many wells out here - and yours is drying up rapidly. The Settlement cannot survive without water and everyone knows it. Things are beginning to collapse.
A harpy witch called THE SAGE HEN and her followers have taken up residence in The Homestead and are using it to travel the Casket Land, adding to their numbers. They’re coming your way, and now you’re faced with a choice… Stay in this dying place and waste away until you’re nothing but another corpse in the Casket Land, or take up arms against the Sage Hen and claim The Homestead for yourself?
The Sage Hen was once a human, displaced like so many others when the first of the Dust Storms rolled through. She built shelters and took in those displaced until the people, blinded by dreams of power and greed, rose up against and cast her out of her own homes. Fueled by rage, she wandered the Casket Land until she happened upon something great and terrible that offered her the chance to grow her flock without the dangers of rebellion, a way to keep those discarded alive in a place where death waited, a chance to spread her wings and cast her shadow across the Casket Land. All she would have to do is give up her form, and a small piece of humanity.
She offers those lost a Flock to call their own in exchange for their unbending loyalty and their physical form - turning all those who accepted her offer into harpies. Behind her sweet facade lies a brutal creature waiting to tear apart any creature who will not accept her love as law.
GRAVE DIGGERS travel in pairs - for they cannot bear the agonies of what they’ve seen alone.
SHERIFFS are the self-appointed law of the land.
PREACHERS call upon a god for good... or for ill.
BARBERS only heal through the harm they cause.
SNAKE OIL PEDDLERS see through deceptions, for they are the deceivers.
UNDERTAKERS keep the dark doings of death at bay... or use them to their own benefit.
DRIFTERS know the Casket Land better than anyone, for it is their only true home.
GAMBLERS live for nothing but chance. They know each action they take could prove fatal, yet they choose to act anyway.
MINERS can never forget how they were left to die, or the darkness that swallowed them.
BARBACKS quench the thirst around them.
THE FOOL knows that sometimes selflessness is your greatest strength in a place like this.
THE FLOCK are creatures in pain, inflicting pain at the behest of their savior - the Sage Hen.
CASKET LAND - HOMESTEAD is the first Casket Land campaign, bringing to life the terrifying Waste and pitting Survivors against the Sage Hen and her life-bringing Homestead. It was successfully funded in 2019 as part of Kickstarter’s 1st Zine Quest.